About Us & History
The Navajo Nation Code establishes the Navajo Nation Council and any body under the Council within the Legislative Branch at 2 N.N.C. § 101.
Governing Body
The Navajo Nation Council is empowered under 2 N.N.C. § 102 as the governing body of the Navajo Nation and is comprised of 24 Council delegates elected from their respective legislative district.
The first Navajo council was created in 1923.
2 N.N.C. § 102 (B-G): The Navajo Nation Council reserves all powers not delegated and supervises those that are delegated; has the power to discipline and regulate the conduct of its members; has the authority to promulgate rules, regulations and procedures for the conduct of its meetings and of its committees; confirms the appointments of all division directors upon recommendation from the appropriate oversight committee; and shall establish standing committees and delegate such authority to such committees as it deems necessary and proper.

The first Navajo council was established with representatives from five regional agencies.

Elections were held for the first representatives to the Council.

The Council was reformed and became known as the Navajo Nation Council.
The Navajo Nation Council is reformed to include 24 delegates, down from 88 delegates.